Saturday 12 December 2015

Level 2 exam - ARGH!!!

So I did my WSET Level 2 exam a couple of weeks ago now, and only now do I feel I can talk about it in an open forum...

No I am joking. It wasn't massively hard, but it was definitely much harder than the test papers I had been practising on for the past couple of weeks. I know I made some stupid errors on things I knew, but there were a couple of questions where I just hadn't retained the specifics characteristics on that grape from that climate. There were also some questions where I talked myself out of my original gut instinct - NB never do this!!!

I know I haven't got the highest mark but fingers crossed that I got a pass/half decent mark.

I would thoroughly recommend the WSET courses. They are informative and fun. Even with the basic wine knowledge I now have, I realise that is way more than most people, and feel I can make better choices when buying wine both in the store and in bars. If I fancy a bottle and they also serve it by the glass, I now always ask for a try, so I don't end up with something I am not very keen on.

I'll update the blog when I get my result and will start thinking about if I want to do Level 3. My feeling at the moment is yes, but if I have scraped a pass on Level 2, that might turn into a no...

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