Tuesday 29 December 2015

Wines with Christmas Dinner

So I thought we would try some different wines with each of our courses for Christmas Dinner this year. 
With only my dad and I really that interested in wine, it meant thinking about what would go with our courses, alongside what we both enjoy.

I made a bold tasting starter of Port and Stilton pate, which was always going to be tough to match a wine with, so I went for a Sancerre (2014 from Davy's). I thought the high acidity of the wine would cut through the richness of the pate, and pleasingly it did.

We had a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, and despite decanting a rather nice Chateau Neuf du Pape (2011 from Waitrose) an hour before dinner, we were a little disappointed with it. Whilst it was smooth and had much of the flavour you would expect, it was not full bodied enough for my taste, or indeed for the meal. It just didn't stand up to the food - and I don't even eat any of the pork products (pigs in blankets and stuffing balls).

We paused for a while before dessert and dad and I had a Pinot Noir I had bought him back from California in 2013. Neither of us are massive fans of Pinot Noir, but this was fab! The best I have tasted. It benefited from a couple of hours decanting and packed a real punch whilst be smooth and having lots of black fruit flavours with some delicious earthiness. Autry Cellars is a tiny winemaker, producing approximately 1000 cases a year, so if you are in the area (San Luis Opisbo), I would suggest you go take a look. It won't be like any other wine maker you have ever been to! 

Half way through our dessert  of trifle and a chocolate bomb (a few hours later), I suddenly remembered that we had a Sauternes in the chiller: L'or du Ciron Sauternes (2012 from Marks and Spencer). It was lovely. Apricot tones with a hint of orange and silky smooth, yet still high levels of acidity. Even mum enjoyed a few sips (although my sister pulled lots of faces showing her displeasure - philistine). I am pleased to say it didn't all get drunk, so I will be serving it with NYE dessert as well...

So overall I was pretty happy with the choices I mad, just the CNdP that wasn't the right choice. I will find a better one for next year!

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