Sunday 2 October 2016

WSET Level 3 Results

So I had been waiting patiently for my Level 3 Results all summer and got home last week to see a large envelope waiting for me outside my flat...

My stomach turned flips as I wondered, 'would send me an envelope that large if I had only passed half of the exam?'

I put my bags down and stood at the kitchen counter and gently opened the envelope.

I slid out two pieces of paper and a small pin badge. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw I had passed the exam WITH MERIT!!!

Whilst I was pretty sure I had passed the tasting and the multiple choice questions, as you know from my post directly after the exam, I was really worried about the essay questions part of the exam. But obviously it was unfounded.

So I opened a bottle of Cotes Du Rhone (my celebratory Ridgeview not being chilled to the correct temperature) called my parents, text my friends and shared on Facebook - whilst basking in my glory!

Level 3 was tough in places for me - just the sheer amount of things to remember was the toughest part I would say. However I would definitely recommend the course (and all of the WSET courses) if you are a keen/serious amateur.

WSET has taught me so much about wine, and I feel I am making much better choices now in the wine I buy for myself at home and in restaurants and bars. Before I buy or try by looking at where in the world it is from, I now have much more of an idea about what it will taste like and whether I will like it. Even if I don't like it, I can appreciate that it is a good example of it's type (Beaujolais I'm talking about you). I almost always ask to try wine before I get a glass in a bar, and don't mind asking for something else if it isn't for me. I also have the slightly daunting task of being given the wine list by friends wherever we go...

Whilst the Diploma (Level 4) looks amazing, it's not something I want to do to at the moment. At over 18 months (if you do it for an evening a week) and over £3000, it is a serious commitment. Knowing how I struggled to remember all of the regions for Level 3, I do wonder if it would be too tough. Maybe in the future?

For now I am going to keep on enjoying new wines and new regions whilst continuing to expand my knowledge on wines. Oh and I also have to plan trips to Porto and Bordeaux next year...

For more information on WSET Level 3 go to:

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